
Resolution Format for Staff Respondents

UPON A FINDING BY THE INVESTIGATOR that a staff employee respondent is responsible for one or more policy violations, the matter is referred to the respondent’s supervising director or other designee and the respective Human Resources manager responsible for the respondent’s business unit, to be resolved in accordance with the Employee Staff Handbook and/or the respondent’s collective bargaining agreement, if applicable. For the purposes of the Comprehensive Policy, the respondent's supervising director and Human Resources manager (or other Human Resources designee) are considered the Administrative Resolution Officers ("ARO") assigned to the case.

UPON A FINDING BY THE INVESTIGATOR that a staff employee respondent is responsible for one or more policy violations, the matter is referred to the respondent’s supervising director or other designee and the respective Human Resources manager responsible for the respondent’s business unit, to be resolved in accordance with the Employee Staff Handbook and/or the respondent’s collective bargaining agreement, if applicable. For the purposes of the Comprehensive Policy, the respondent's supervising director and Human Resources manager (or other Human Resources designee) are considered the Administrative Resolution Officers ("ARO") assigned to the case.