
Administrative Resolution

"ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION" IS A GENERAL TERM used to describe the various processes by which the University resolves a complaint, after a finding of responsibility has been made under the Equitable Resolution Procedures ("ERP"). Administrative resolution processes may be governed by the Community Standards, Faculty Handbook, collective bargaining agreement, or Employee Staff Handbook, as applicable, depending on the circumstances of the alleged behavior and the classification of the respondent as a student, faculty employee, or staff employee. An administrative resolution officer (“ARO”) is a general term to describe trained and qualified individuals who have a role in these processes. For cases involving allegations against faculty or staff employees, nothing in this subsection provides additional recourse beyond the processes outlined in the Faculty Handbook, the collective bargaining agreements, or Employee Staff Handbook.

At the conclusion of an ERP investigation, parties are informed of the name and contact information of any ARO to whom the case is being referred. The Executive Director for Equity & Compliance ("EDEC") may also, at their own discretion, provide the ARO with non-binding recommendations or other information to assist with the administrative resolution.

Administrative Resolution Format Based on Respondent Classification

Each administrative resolution format is referenced briefly here, but parties should also consult with the respective source of authority for additional information and details. Allegations involving student worker respondents or other respondents who hold dual classifications will be routed to the most appropriate administrative resolution format depending on the individual context of the alleged misconduct, at the discretion of the EDEC.

Information about appeal processes, when applicable, is included in each of the resolution formats below.

Resolution Format for Student Respondents

Resolution Format for Faculty Respondents

Resolution Format for Staff Respondents

"ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION" IS A GENERAL TERM used to describe the various processes by which the University resolves a complaint, after a finding of responsibility has been made under the Equitable Resolution Procedures ("ERP"). Administrative resolution processes may be governed by the Community Standards, Faculty Handbook, collective bargaining agreement, or Employee Staff Handbook, as applicable, depending on the circumstances of the alleged behavior and the classification of the respondent as a student, faculty employee, or staff employee. An administrative resolution officer (“ARO”) is a general term to describe trained and qualified individuals who have a role in these processes. For cases involving allegations against faculty or staff employees, nothing in this subsection provides additional recourse beyond the processes outlined in the Faculty Handbook, the collective bargaining agreements, or Employee Staff Handbook.

At the conclusion of an ERP investigation, parties are informed of the name and contact information of any ARO to whom the case is being referred. The Executive Director for Equity & Compliance ("EDEC") may also, at their own discretion, provide the ARO with non-binding recommendations or other information to assist with the administrative resolution.

Administrative Resolution Format Based on Respondent Classification

Each administrative resolution format is referenced briefly here, but parties should also consult with the respective source of authority for additional information and details. Allegations involving student worker respondents or other respondents who hold dual classifications will be routed to the most appropriate administrative resolution format depending on the individual context of the alleged misconduct, at the discretion of the EDEC.

Information about appeal processes, when applicable, is included in each of the resolution formats below.

Resolution Format for Student Respondents

Resolution Format for Faculty Respondents

Resolution Format for Staff Respondents