

AN ADVISOR, GENERALLY, IS a person who may accompany an affected party, complainant, or respondent during any meeting or proceeding related to a report or complaint. An advisor may be any person of the party’s choosing, including an attorney or union representative for employees who are members of a union, as described in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. It is the responsibility of each party to coordinate scheduling with their advisor for any meetings. The University will not delay meetings or proceedings to accommodate an advisor’s availability. 

An advisor may not speak, write, or otherwise communicate on behalf of a party (with the limited exception of presenting the advisee’s proposed questions to other parties or witnesses during a Grievance Process hearing). Advisors are expected to maintain the privacy of any records shared with them. Any complainant or respondent may request assistance from the Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") in identifying an available advisor, and an advisor will be provided.

Any STUDENT that is an affected party, complainant, or respondent is afforded the right to an advisor during any meeting, interview, or hearing with the OEC.

Any FACULTY or STAFF member that is a complainant or respondent in the Grievance Process is afforded the right to an advisor during applicable procedures. Faculty and staff are not afforded an advisor in the Equitable Resolution Procedures ("ERP"), except when provided for by other University policies or procedures or required by law.

AN ADVISOR, GENERALLY, IS a person who may accompany an affected party, complainant, or respondent during any meeting or proceeding related to a report or complaint. An advisor may be any person of the party’s choosing, including an attorney or union representative for employees who are members of a union, as described in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. It is the responsibility of each party to coordinate scheduling with their advisor for any meetings. The University will not delay meetings or proceedings to accommodate an advisor’s availability. 

An advisor may not speak, write, or otherwise communicate on behalf of a party (with the limited exception of presenting the advisee’s proposed questions to other parties or witnesses during a Grievance Process hearing). Advisors are expected to maintain the privacy of any records shared with them. Any complainant or respondent may request assistance from the Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") in identifying an available advisor, and an advisor will be provided.

Any STUDENT that is an affected party, complainant, or respondent is afforded the right to an advisor during any meeting, interview, or hearing with the OEC.

Any FACULTY or STAFF member that is a complainant or respondent in the Grievance Process is afforded the right to an advisor during applicable procedures. Faculty and staff are not afforded an advisor in the Equitable Resolution Procedures ("ERP"), except when provided for by other University policies or procedures or required by law.