
Reporting & Complaint Options

Referrals, Reports, and Complaints to the OEC

LOYOLA ENCOURAGES ANYONE who experiences misconduct under the Comprehensive Policy to provide Notice to the University, so that the University may respond promptly and equitably. For the purposes of the Comprehensive Policy, Reports and Referrals are distinguished from Complaints.


There are many important differences between submitting a report and filing a complaint. It is important to understand the differences before taking any action.

Reports and Referrals

Reports and Referrals both provide Notice to the University of an allegation or concern about possible discrimination, sexual misconduct, retaliation, or other related offense, and both offer an opportunity for the OEC to provide information, resources, and supportive measures to those in need.

Reports are made by an Affected Party or on one’s own behalf, whereas Referrals are made by a third-party, such as an employee to whom an Affected Party has disclosed a concern or experience. Reports and Referrals may both be submitted by any Student or employee, by another person (such as a parent, friend, or other concerned person), or anonymously.

Reports and Referrals are distinct from (and usually precede) Complaints, in that the University’s response to Reports and Referrals is oriented toward informing the Affected Party of available supportive measures and discussing various options to resolve the concern (including the option to file a Complaint). While ensuring the University takes appropriate action when necessary, the OEC strives to honor an Affected Party's wishes in response to any Report or Referral.


Complaints provide Notice to the University that a current or former Student or employee, or an applicant for admission or employment, wishes to initiate an investigation or other resolution procedure, with the potential outcome of discipline for a specific individual Respondent. Only an Affected Party (who becomes a "Complainant" upon filing a Complaint) or the Executive Director for Equity & Compliance (as Loyola's Title IX Coordinator) may initiate a Complaint.

The University recognizes the privacy and sensitivity of Reports and Referrals, and only shares information internally on a need-to-know basis. Reports and Referrals carry no obligation to initiate a Complaint, and in most circumstances the University may respect an Affected Party’s request not to initiate a Complaint. However, there may be some circumstances where the University may need to initiate a Complaint to ensure the safety of the community. If an Affected Party does not wish to file a Complaint, the University will maintain the privacy of information to the extent possible.

While any member of the University community can file a Complaint at any time, the OEC always encourages Affected Parties to consult with a member of the OEC staff before filing a Complaint, to ensure a full understanding of the implications and processes involved, and to explore other considerations, such as safety planning and Alternative Resolution options that may be available

Submit a Report or Referral

REPORTS AND REFERRALS convey Notice to the University (through the Office for Equity & Compliance) of a potential incident of prohibited conduct under the Comprehensive Policy. They bring attention to a concern, and call for outreach and support to be offered to the harmed person (the Affected Party). Referrals are made on behalf of another, whereas Reports are made on one's own behalf. Either may be made anonymously, and submitted by anyone, whether or not they are affiliated with Loyola. Reports/Referrals are not a prerequisite to filing a Complaint, but they can be helpful as a first step to ensure the Affected Party is aware of their rights and resources if they are considering filing a Complaint.

USE FOR bringing the University's attention to a concern; initiating outreach to an Affected Party who may benefit from resources or support; initiating a Preliminary Review by OEC staff to consider the possibility of safety concerns or patterns of misconduct; fulfilling a Responsible Campus Partner's obligations; informing the University of a concern anonymously. 

UPON RECEIPT OF A REFERRAL OR REPORT the Affected Party or third-party reporter is automatically directed to information concerning the rights and resources available to Affected Parties (when submitted using the online form linked below). Unless a Report is anonymous, a representative of the OEC (or the Dean of Students Office for students) will contact the Affected Party to communicate the availability of supportive measures (which are available regardless of whether or not they choose to eventually file a Complaint) and to explain the process of filing a Complaint, as applicable to the circumstances.

The Affected Party will be invited to meet with a representative of the OEC (and/or Dean of Students Office, for students) to consider the Affected Party’s wishes with respect to supportive measures and any potential Complaint, and to answer any questions concerning the University’s applicable policies or procedures. 

Important Notes

  • For the purposes of the Comprehensive Policy, Reports and Referrals are distinct and different from Complaints. It is important to understand the differences before taking any action.
  • A Report or Referral can be submitted anonymously.
  • A Report or Referral will NOT automatically generate a notification to the reported individual (Respondent).
  • Report or Referral will NOT automatically initiate an investigation or discipline.

Contact any staff member in the Office for Equity & Compliance for more information.

Submit a Report or Referral

File a Complaint

COMPLAINTS convey Notice to the University (through the Office for Equity & Compliance) of any allegation of discrimination, sexual misconduct, retaliation, or other related offenses by a specific Student or employee Respondent (accused individual) under the Comprehensive Policy. Complaints initiate the Complaint Resolution Procedure ("CRP"), which includes a thorough and impartial investigation by professional staff, a Finding (either "Responsible" or "Not Responsible") for the alleged violation, and Administrative Resolution (also known as sanctioning) when a violation is substantiated.

USE COMPLAINTS for initiating the University’s CRP to investigate and adjudicate an alleged violation, which may result in disciplinary sanctions for a Respondent (if found Responsible).

UPON RECEIPT OF A COMPLAINT a written Notice of Allegations ("NOA") is provided to both Parties, typically at the same time. NOAs include a summary of the allegations, including (if known) the identity of the Parties involved, the nature of the alleged misconduct, the date and location of the alleged incident(s) (if known), the specific policies implicated, a description of the applicable University procedures, a reminder that retaliation is prohibited, and other information important for an equitable and fair process. NOAs also identify the assigned Equity Investigator (OEC staff) and provide Parties the opportunity to raise any concerns regarding a conflict of interest before the Parties are contacted by the Investigator.

CRP investigations include the thorough and impartial collection, review, and analysis of all relevant evidence by the Investigator. CRP investigations conclude with the Investigator making a Finding of either “Responsible” or “Not Responsible” for each alleged violation, based on the application of the Comprehensive Policy to the evidenced facts.

Important Notes:

  • A Complaint may only be filed by an Affected Party (who becomes a "Complainant" upon filing) or initiated by the Executive Director of the OEC when necessary to ensure the safety and inclusivity of the University community. Complainants must be current or former Loyola students, faculty, or staff, or applicants for admission or employment.
  • A Complaint cannot be filed anonymously.
  • Any Respondent named in a Complaint will be informed of the allegations made in the Complaint. At least one Respondent must be identified and must be a Loyola student, faculty, or staff member (or a Recognized Student Organization).
  • A Complaint initiates a formal investigation, but may in some cases be resolved through Alternative Resolution.
  • A Complaint may be filed for any alleged misconduct under the Comprehensive Policy.

Contact any staff member in the Office for Equity & Compliance for more information.

File a Complaint

Referrals, Reports, and Complaints to the OEC

LOYOLA ENCOURAGES ANYONE who experiences misconduct under the Comprehensive Policy to provide Notice to the University, so that the University may respond promptly and equitably. For the purposes of the Comprehensive Policy, Reports and Referrals are distinguished from Complaints.


There are many important differences between submitting a report and filing a complaint. It is important to understand the differences before taking any action.

Reports and Referrals

Reports and Referrals both provide Notice to the University of an allegation or concern about possible discrimination, sexual misconduct, retaliation, or other related offense, and both offer an opportunity for the OEC to provide information, resources, and supportive measures to those in need.

Reports are made by an Affected Party or on one’s own behalf, whereas Referrals are made by a third-party, such as an employee to whom an Affected Party has disclosed a concern or experience. Reports and Referrals may both be submitted by any Student or employee, by another person (such as a parent, friend, or other concerned person), or anonymously.

Reports and Referrals are distinct from (and usually precede) Complaints, in that the University’s response to Reports and Referrals is oriented toward informing the Affected Party of available supportive measures and discussing various options to resolve the concern (including the option to file a Complaint). While ensuring the University takes appropriate action when necessary, the OEC strives to honor an Affected Party's wishes in response to any Report or Referral.


Complaints provide Notice to the University that a current or former Student or employee, or an applicant for admission or employment, wishes to initiate an investigation or other resolution procedure, with the potential outcome of discipline for a specific individual Respondent. Only an Affected Party (who becomes a "Complainant" upon filing a Complaint) or the Executive Director for Equity & Compliance (as Loyola's Title IX Coordinator) may initiate a Complaint.

The University recognizes the privacy and sensitivity of Reports and Referrals, and only shares information internally on a need-to-know basis. Reports and Referrals carry no obligation to initiate a Complaint, and in most circumstances the University may respect an Affected Party’s request not to initiate a Complaint. However, there may be some circumstances where the University may need to initiate a Complaint to ensure the safety of the community. If an Affected Party does not wish to file a Complaint, the University will maintain the privacy of information to the extent possible.

While any member of the University community can file a Complaint at any time, the OEC always encourages Affected Parties to consult with a member of the OEC staff before filing a Complaint, to ensure a full understanding of the implications and processes involved, and to explore other considerations, such as safety planning and Alternative Resolution options that may be available