
A Report or Complaint Has Been Filed Against Me

Information for Respondents

The Office for Equity & Compliance is committed to ensuring fundamental fairness in its policies and procedures.

When the Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") receives a report alleging that a member of the community has violated the Comprehensive Policy, the OEC conducts a preliminary review of the report and offers to meet with the affected party. The respondent may or may not be informed of the report.

The affected party may decide to file a complaint. The OEC is committed to the timely, equitable, impartial, and thorough resolution of complaints. If a complaint of misconduct has been filed against you, the OEC will inform you of the allegations in a timely manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Throughout any resolution procedure, your perspective will be considered equitably and impartially.

  • All relevant evidence is evaluated objectively, including evidence that suggests responsibility and evidence that suggests no responsibility.
  • Credibility determinations are not to be based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.
  • Both complainants and respondents may request appropriate and reasonably available supportive measures at any time.
  • Respondents are provided a fair and impartial process before the imposition of any sanctions or other responsive interventions.

Student respondents, in particular, can access tailored support by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students.

Respondents may be interested in learning more about the following topics:

Information for Respondents

The Office for Equity & Compliance is committed to ensuring fundamental fairness in its policies and procedures.

When the Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") receives a report alleging that a member of the community has violated the Comprehensive Policy, the OEC conducts a preliminary review of the report and offers to meet with the affected party. The respondent may or may not be informed of the report.

The affected party may decide to file a complaint. The OEC is committed to the timely, equitable, impartial, and thorough resolution of complaints. If a complaint of misconduct has been filed against you, the OEC will inform you of the allegations in a timely manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Throughout any resolution procedure, your perspective will be considered equitably and impartially.

  • All relevant evidence is evaluated objectively, including evidence that suggests responsibility and evidence that suggests no responsibility.
  • Credibility determinations are not to be based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.
  • Both complainants and respondents may request appropriate and reasonably available supportive measures at any time.
  • Respondents are provided a fair and impartial process before the imposition of any sanctions or other responsive interventions.

Student respondents, in particular, can access tailored support by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students.

Respondents may be interested in learning more about the following topics: