
Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

LOYOLA IS COMMITTED to full compliance with applicable sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which prohibit discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities, as well as other federal and state laws pertaining to individuals with disabilities. Under the ADA/Section 504 and its amendments, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. ADA/Section 504 also protect individuals who have a history or record of a substantially limiting impairment, or who are perceived by others as having such an impairment.

Allegations or concerns about discrimination based on disability should be directed to the OEC. However, Students or employees requesting academic or employment-related accommodations for disabilities should contact the offices listed below.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Loyola provides qualified students with disabilities the reasonable accommodations and support needed to ensure equal access to the education program or activity of the University. All accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis. A student requesting any accommodation should first contact the Student Accessibility Center (“SAC”) or applicable office that coordinates services for students with disabilities in their school or college. The SAC reviews documentation provided by a student and, in consultation with the student, determines which accommodations are appropriate to the student’s particular needs and programs. For information about faculty employees’ obligations to cooperate with the SAC regarding academic accommodations based on students’ disabilities, see the Faculty Handbook.

If, after working with the SAC or other applicable office, a student feels that the University has failed to accommodate them appropriately, a report may be submitted to the OEC.

Accommodations for Faculty and Staff Employees with Disabilities

Pursuant to the ADA, Loyola provides reasonable accommodations to all qualified faculty and staff employees with known disabilities, where their disability affects the performance of their essential job functions, except where doing so would be unduly disruptive or would result in undue hardship.

Any faculty or staff employee with a disability is responsible for requesting an accommodation in writing to Human Resources and providing appropriate documentation. For more information about this process, see Human Resources’ Online Accommodation Notification, Faculty Handbook, or collective bargaining agreement, as applicable.

If, after working with Human Resources/the Provost’s Office, a faculty or staff employee feels that the University has failed to accommodate them appropriately, a report may be submitted to the OEC.

If you have questions about disability discrimination or believe you have been discriminated against based on disability, please contact the Office for Equity & Compliance, at (773) 508-7766 or equity@luc.edu, and/or you may submit a report online.

LOYOLA IS COMMITTED to full compliance with applicable sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which prohibit discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities, as well as other federal and state laws pertaining to individuals with disabilities. Under the ADA/Section 504 and its amendments, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. ADA/Section 504 also protect individuals who have a history or record of a substantially limiting impairment, or who are perceived by others as having such an impairment.

Allegations or concerns about discrimination based on disability should be directed to the OEC. However, Students or employees requesting academic or employment-related accommodations for disabilities should contact the offices listed below.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Loyola provides qualified students with disabilities the reasonable accommodations and support needed to ensure equal access to the education program or activity of the University. All accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis. A student requesting any accommodation should first contact the Student Accessibility Center (“SAC”) or applicable office that coordinates services for students with disabilities in their school or college. The SAC reviews documentation provided by a student and, in consultation with the student, determines which accommodations are appropriate to the student’s particular needs and programs. For information about faculty employees’ obligations to cooperate with the SAC regarding academic accommodations based on students’ disabilities, see the Faculty Handbook.

If, after working with the SAC or other applicable office, a student feels that the University has failed to accommodate them appropriately, a report may be submitted to the OEC.

Accommodations for Faculty and Staff Employees with Disabilities

Pursuant to the ADA, Loyola provides reasonable accommodations to all qualified faculty and staff employees with known disabilities, where their disability affects the performance of their essential job functions, except where doing so would be unduly disruptive or would result in undue hardship.

Any faculty or staff employee with a disability is responsible for requesting an accommodation in writing to Human Resources and providing appropriate documentation. For more information about this process, see Human Resources’ Online Accommodation Notification, Faculty Handbook, or collective bargaining agreement, as applicable.

If, after working with Human Resources/the Provost’s Office, a faculty or staff employee feels that the University has failed to accommodate them appropriately, a report may be submitted to the OEC.

If you have questions about disability discrimination or believe you have been discriminated against based on disability, please contact the Office for Equity & Compliance, at (773) 508-7766 or equity@luc.edu, and/or you may submit a report online.