President Mark Reed speaks to inductees of the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society.

Student Organizations, Awards and Honors

Student Organizations, Awards, and Honors

Joining with fellow students brings a powerful sense of community to your learning experience. You'll find common cause with your peers within our student organizations. In addition, the School of Education sponsors events focused on issues relevant to you through regular programming on student and faculty research, community building, and invited lecturers.

School-Wide Organizations

Student Development Committee

The Student Development Committee is comprised of representatives from all SOE program areas. This group helps shape school-level town halls, celebrations of excellence, and other events related to professional development. Members meet monthly. Each representative serves a minimum of one academic year. In early fall, any open seats are made known to the program chair and a request for volunteers is extended.

Golden Apple Scholars

Golden Apple Scholars are comprised of students in the teaching & learning undergraduate program who have received tuition scholarship awards from the Illinois-based organization. The Golden Apple program focuses on supporting Illinois high-school students through scholarship funding, mentoring,, and professional development.

The Scholars meet periodically throughout the academic year with the Assistant Dean of Student Academic Affairs and Golden Apple representatives. For information on Golden Apple Scholarships, visit their website.

Click here to learn more.

Program Level Organizations

Counseling Psychology

The Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC) provides doctoral students a safe space (no faculty except when invited) to bond, to generate questions, and to engage in peer mentoring.

Higher Education

The Higher Education Student Association (HESA) is the student-led programming, outreach and advocacy organization for students, alumni, and friends of the Higher Education program. We support the holistic development and serve as the collective voice representing the needs of higher education students at Loyola.


The Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs is a student-run, open-access journal housed at the School of Education that provides a venue for international, interdisciplinary scholarship that examines higher education and student affairs through the explicit use of critical frameworks. Students are invited to read published work or submit their own work for publication.

Click here to learn more.

School Psychology

The Loyola Association of School Psychology (LASP) is a student-run organization focused on creating community. Our mission is to increase visibility of school psychology as a career choice. The students work together to identify ways they can serve Chicago area children in facilitating access and equity.


The Student Affiliates of School Psychology (SASP) is a student organization with a similar mission as LASP for our doctoral students.


The School Psychology Journal Club is a student-initiated and led group that holds regularly scheduled gatherings ( 2 x per month] open to students and faculty to read and discuss current journal articles on issues important to the development of the science practitioner.

Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities

The LUC Future Teachers Club/Illinois Education Association engages teacher preparation students in professional development, social networking, and service projects with local schools. Service projects have included building playgrounds at local schools and K-12 student engagement. Loyola’s future teachers are always a strong presence at the annual IEA conference and have won several grants to help support family literacy programs in the Lake Shore Campus community. 

University-Wide Awards & Honors

Alpha Sigma Nu

The School of Education participates in the Alpha Sigma Nu (ASN) Honor Society. Each Spring, new candidates are invited to participate in ASN, the national society of Jesuit College and University throughout the world. Candidates are students from across the University who excel in scholarship, loyalty and service, and promote Ignatian values for life. The Induction ceremony takes place the following October in Madonna Della Strada Chapel on the Lake Shore campus.  

Click here to learn more.

President's Medallion

Each year, one School of Education Student is nominated for the President’s Medallion. The representative for the School Of Education embodies Leadership, scholarship, and service, bringing the spirit of the Jesuit mission to life. The medallion is presented at a formal event each Fall which is followed by the President’s Ball.

Click to learn more about our School of Education President's Medallion recipients:

School of Education Awards & Honors

Student Excellence Awards

All School Of Education students are eligible to apply for Student Excellence awards. This annual event is sponsored by the SOE’s Student Development Committee. Awards are made each Spring term for excellence in research, teaching, and service. 

Dean's List

The School of Education Dean's List will be awarded each term based on following the criteria:

  • Students must earn a combined GPA for the term of 3.5 or above.
  • Students must have earned 12 or more credits for the term, graded on a letter scale; grades of "P" (Pass) are not included.
  • Students with an unresolved "Incomplete" grade for the term are not eligible until the Incomplete is resolved. At that time their GPA for the term will be recalculated. If they earn a 3.5 or higher for the term, the list will be updated to reflect their inclusion.

Below is the Spring 2024 School of Education Dean's List:

Katarina Alvarado Secondary Education
Skylar Baker Early Childhood Special Education
Jake Bartilad Elementary Education
Alishba Basit Elementary Education
Sarah Baudler Secondary Education
Nico Bedrejo Elementary Education
Colette Benoit Bilingual Bicultural Education
Shailee Bhatt Secondary Education
Margaret Blaes Elementary Education
Emma Bogdanov Elementary Education
Bree Borum Elementary Education
Ben Brania Secondary Education
Beth Breman Early Childhood Special Education
Sofia Brown Elementary Education
Finneas Bujdei Secondary Education
Abby Burrows Elementary Education
Emma Byars Secondary Education
Kayla Carizey Elementary Education
Alexander Carroll Secondary Education
Angelina Caruso Secondary Education
Katherine Casas Early Childhood Special Education
Audrey Cenatiempo Secondary Education
Zoe Chapman Elementary Education
Natalie Christine Elementary Education
Grace Cvengros Secondary Education
Jenna Daube Secondary Education
Travis Davenport Secondary Education
Ellie DeBock Elementary Education
Isaiah Dingus Secondary Education
Maeve Donlin Middle Grades Education
Madison Duberstein Elementary Education
Megan Dunn Elementary Education
Abigail Dyson Special Education
Nate Eckman Secondary Education
Sydney Egan-Fowler Elementary Education
Alice Ehresman Secondary Education
Olivia Elroz Elementary Education
Katie Emery Secondary Education
Megan Evans Elementary Education
Luella Everman Elementary Education
Teo Fabi Elementary Education
Ella Fernandez Elementary Education
Mia Finley Elementary Education
Megan Flanagan Early Childhood Special Education
Steven Flanagan Special Education
Logan Flores Early Childhood Special Education
Alexander Gamino Secondary Education
Katherine Glazbrook Bilingual Education
Nick Gloss Secondary Education
Sabrina Godinho dos Santos Special Education
Itzel Gonzalez Secondary Education
Abigail Gregus Special Education
Dakota Hagen Secondary Education
Lucy Hamilton Elementary Education
Maya Hamilton Early Childhood Special Education
Lily Hankes Elementary Education
Annelise Hannon Secondary Education
Delaney Harris Secondary Education
Skayla Harvey Secondary Education
Abby Hecht Secondary Education
Abigail Hedlund Eary Childhood Special Education
Morgan Hinkle Special Education
Tessa Holohan Elementary Education
Ella Hummel Bilingual Education
Karolina Irla Secondary Education
Jessie Jahn Elementary Education
Grace Jaroszewski Elementary Education
Natalie Jensen Elementary Education
Aniqa Jewa Elementary Education
Christine Jones Early Childhood Special Education
Sara Kadic Elementary Education
Nikolas Karadimas Secondary Education
Callie Kilduff Elementary Education
Oliver Kingery Middle Grades Education
Anna Kougias Elementary Education
Isabella Kowalczyk Secondary Education
Daphne Kraushaar Elementary Education
Katie Kulevich Special Education
Lauren Lavendar Early Childhood Special Education
Elliot Lechocki Secondary Education
Logan Levine Secondary Education
Sean Lifka Secondary Education
Dina Limperatos Elementary Education
Madeline Lind Elementary Education
Julia Lis Elementary Education
Kailyn Loch Special Education
Finn Louis Secondary Education
Tyler Lucas Secondary Education
Grace Lueken Secondary Education
Sirisha Mandava Secondary Education
Julia Mandell Secondary Education
Claire Mannion Elementary Education
Gabriela Marek Secondary Educaiton
Amanda McGreal Secondary Education
Katherine McKeag Elementary Education
Amira Mahmeti Elementary Education
Aidan Melley Secondary Education
Parker Mellin Secondary Education
Zachary Melo Secondary Education
Rubi Mendez Secondary Education
Jordyn Michelson Elementary Education
Ashtyn Mitchell Elementary Education
Xander Mitchell Secondary Education
Mia Morill Special Education
Manuela Munoz Early Childhood Special Educaiton
Gabriella Myers Elementary Education
Lucy Myerscough Secondary Education
Margot Nalli Secondary Education
Lucy Neal Secondary Education
Grace Neitzke Secondary Educatin
Callie Nichols Early Childhood Special Educaiton
Grant Olson Secondary Education
Maggie Parada Middle Grades Education
Samantha Pecsar Elementary Education
Rebecca Phillips Elementary Education
Claire Piccirilli Elementary Education
Ameilia Potempa Early Childhood Special Education
Karah Preston Early Childhood Special Education
Mia Pyle Middle Grades Education
Zara Quraishi Elementary Education
Audrey Rajski Elementary Education
Franklin Richardson Secondary Education
Ella Rorabaugh Elementary Education
Isabelle Rudolphi Secondary Education
Victoria Rupert Elementary Education
Jack Schormann Secondary Education
Audrey Selander Elementary Education
Olivia Shah Elementary Education
Becca Smith Early Childhood Special Education
Emily Spielbauer Elementary Education
Morgan Stuckey Secondary Education
Naja Sulejman Special Education
Aj Takahashi Secondary Education
Kayla Tanada Secondary Education
Emma Taylor Early Childhood Special Education
Indigo TenEyck Middle Grades Education
Maria Timagen Early Childhood Special Education
Lynn Tu Tran Elementary Education
Serena Troshynski Secondary Education
Sophia Vanneste Elementary Education
Angeline Ventula Elementary Education
Alison Wahlberg Middle Grades Education
Christopher Warren Secondary Education
Matt Westmeyer Secondary Education
Felicity Whidden Secondary Education
Evelyn Wilke Special Education
Maggie Wojtulewicz Secondary Education
Sydney Wright Secondary Education
Owen Yang Secondary Education
Fernanda Zarate Early Childhood Special Education

Additional Undergraduate Honors

Additionally, undergraduate students at the School of Education are eligible for laudatory status (awarded to eligible students upon completion of the program), and program area awards which are determined by teaching & learning faculty and awarded during the Undergraduate Honor’s Celebration in the days before commencement. The Honor’s Celebration includes all graduating Honor’s program students as well as those who have earned laudatory status.

Deans List

The School of Education Dean's List will be awarded each term based on following the criteria:

  • Students must earn a combined GPA for the term of 3.5 or above.
  • Students must have earned 12 or more credits for the term, graded on a letter scale; grades of "P" (Pass) are not included.
  • Students with an unresolved "Incomplete" grade for the term are not eligible until the Incomplete is resolved. At that time their GPA for the term will be recalculated. If they earn a 3.5 or higher for the term, the list will be updated to reflect their inclusion.
A student stands with their award.
A student showcases the medallion they earned for their accomplishments.
The Future Teacher Club meets with new students at an annual Org Fair.
A crystal statue commemorates the success of School of Education students.
Students learn about student organizations at the Org Fair.
Student organizations allow for new friendships and support systems.
A School of Education student is inducted into the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society.
A student proudly accepts their award.

Deans List

The School of Education Dean's List will be awarded each term based on following the criteria:

  • Students must earn a combined GPA for the term of 3.5 or above.
  • Students must have earned 12 or more credits for the term, graded on a letter scale; grades of "P" (Pass) are not included.
  • Students with an unresolved "Incomplete" grade for the term are not eligible until the Incomplete is resolved. At that time their GPA for the term will be recalculated. If they earn a 3.5 or higher for the term, the list will be updated to reflect their inclusion.