Smetana, Lara K.T.
Selected Grant-funded Projects
- PI, LUC-Noyce Scholars (2017-2022) NSF 1660794
- Co-PI, School Organization and Science Achievement (2011-2016) NSF 1119349
- Advisory Board, Emerging and Effective Culturally Relevant Practices for Mathematics and Science Teaching in High Needs Schools (2020-2023) NSF 2001058
- PhD, Science Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Program Areas
- Teaching, Learning ,and Leading with Schools and Communities
- Science Education
Research Interests
- Informal science education & community partnerships
- Science teacher identity and practice
- Teacher preparation, induction and retention
Professional/Community Affiliations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) - Equity Committee (2017-2020)
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Courses Taught
- TLSC 231/421: Teaching Science in Elementary & Middle Schools
- TLSC 300a/b: Professional Learning Communities
- TLSC 425: Teaching Internship in Informal Education Settings
- TLSC 450: Teaching and Learning in an Area of Specialization – Secondary Science
- TLSC 451: Teaching and Learning with a Global Framework – Secondary Science
- CIEP 540: Seminar: Research in Curriculum & Instruction
- CIEP 600: Dissertation Supervision
Publications/Research Listings
- Smetana, L.K.T., & Kushki, A. (2020). Exploring career change transitions through a dialogic conceptualization of science teacher identity, Journal of Science Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2020.1802683
- Smetana, L.K., Nelson, C.B., Whitehous, P., & Koin, K. (2019). Partnering for engineering teacher education. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 4(2).
- Heineke, A. J., Smetana, L.K., & Carlson, J. (2019). A qualitative case study of inclusive teacher education: One candidate¹s evolving understanding of science teaching for emergent bilinguals. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(1), 80-100.
- Settlage, J., Southerland, S.A., Smetana, L. K. & Lottero-Perdue, P. (2017). Teaching science to every child: Using culture as the starting point, 3rd edition. New York: Routledge.
- Smetana, L.K., Birmingham, D., Rouleau, H., Carlson, J., & Phillips, S. (2017). Cultural institutions as partners in initial elementary science teacher preparation. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 2(2).
- Smetana, L.K., Wenner, J., Settlage, J. & McCoach, D.B. (2016). Clarifying and capturing ‘trust’ in relation to science education: Dimensions of trustworthiness and associations with equitable student achievement. Science Education, 100(1), 78–9.