Loyola University Chicago

Catholic Studies


Major Minor of The Month

Kevin "Wally" Ferrara
Majors & Minors
Major: Philosophy Minor: Catholic Studies
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Why did you choose to become a CS Minor:
To expand and explore on what Loyola has to offer and to take an intellectual look at Catholicism with a group of peers. 


What is a fond memory you’ve had as a CS minor:
By far my fondest memory would be the All Things Ignatian retreat that I went on last year. So many laughs and memories made. It also gave me a chance to make some pretty amazing new friends; many of whom I still keep in regular contact with! 


Favorite Saint:
Saint Therese and Saint Augustine


Career Goals and Aspirations:
If all goes to plan I will be ordained a priest for the Diocese of Kalamazoo and I will be able to serve God’s people. 


Favorite Catholic Author:
Pope John Paul II  


Best Catholic Studies class taken at Loyola:
Music and Catholic Worship with Fr. Charles. He is the man! 


Favorite Service Experience:
Saint Thomas of Canterbury Soup Kitchen 


Most important idea of all time:
Mixing chocolate with peanut butter.  


Most important invention:


Inspiration to do Good:
To make others feel loved, appreciated, and wanted. 


Central idea of Catholic thought that intrigues you:
The mystery of the Trinity. Mind blowing… Also, that fact that God became man to die in order to save us. 


Favorite Movie:
Hmmm… I would have to say Wit or a sappy love story (to make up for the tears from Wit).  


Pet Peeve:
People chewing loudly with their mouth open/poor table manners. 


Favorite Food:


Favorite type of Music:
Pop Rock/Indie/Etc.  


Any Body Piercings or Tattoos:


Crazy fad went through in the past:
I had frosted tips in my hair…. Not proud, but not ashamed. 


Qualities valued in a person:
Excellent listener, compassionate, intimate, lover of ice cream, and displays an excellent sense of humor. .  


If named the president of Loyola, what would you do as your first presidential act:
Storytime With Sister Jean. All students can gather in a big room with big fluffy pillows and listen to Sister Jean read stories. She will be sitting in a big leather chair, in front of a giant fireplace, and petting a baby bunny. 


Wally, Walter, Walt, King Of All Things Aquatic and Sandy At Camp Sancta Maria. 


Most Delicious Item at Portillos:


Pizza Topping:
Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato, Garlic, Olive Oil 


Favorite Season:


Dream Travel Destination:
Mendocino, California 


Guilty Pleasure:
Watching videos of soldiers coming home to their family to surprise them… I cry like a baby every time. 


Something you couldn’t give up if you tried:


Favorite Green Vegetable:


Meet anyone past or present, who would it be?
My Grandma (She passed away when I was very young).


If you could be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, or omnibenevolent, which would it be?
Omnibenevolent, maybe? 


Favorite Olympic Sport (Summer or Winter):