
Technology, Information Systems & Data Science  Career Community

Opportunities within Technology, Information Systems, and Data Science spaces infiltrate every industry. Technology touches nearly every space of our lives, and is fueled by software engineers, cybersecurity officers, and other IT pros to keep everything running. More than ever before, companies rely on data to drive their business decisions - and they need professionals to help analyze and interpret it. Join the Tech, Info Systems, and Data career community for help getting your start in this exciting new frontier.  

Sample Careers: Business Analyst, Cloud Engineer, Cybersecurity Analyst, Data Scientist, IT Support Specialist, Network and Systems Administrator, Project Manager, Software Developer/Engineer, UX/UI Designer. 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Erin:

Best career advice you received or best advice for students

Like most things in life, your career path probably won’t be linear – but that is okay. Try to enjoy the journey without focusing too much on the destination.    





College major

Psychology B.S. with a Minor in Women’s Studies, and a Masters in Counseling Psychology 

First job outside of college

Qualified Mental Health Practitioner providing psychiatric rehabilitation to nursing home residents with severe mental illness.


Ready to join the Technology, Information Systems & Data Sciencecommunity? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!


Opportunities within Technology, Information Systems, and Data Science spaces infiltrate every industry. Technology touches nearly every space of our lives, and is fueled by software engineers, cybersecurity officers, and other IT pros to keep everything running. More than ever before, companies rely on data to drive their business decisions - and they need professionals to help analyze and interpret it. Join the Tech, Info Systems, and Data career community for help getting your start in this exciting new frontier.  

Sample Careers: Business Analyst, Cloud Engineer, Cybersecurity Analyst, Data Scientist, IT Support Specialist, Network and Systems Administrator, Project Manager, Software Developer/Engineer, UX/UI Designer. 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Erin:

Ready to join the Technology, Information Systems & Data Sciencecommunity? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!