Charge and Membership
Charge and Membership
The Graduate Studies Coordinating Board (GSCB) is established as oversight board to coordinate, review, and provide recommendations on graduate studies and program issues across the schools that provide graduate education at Loyola University Chicago.
A. Purpose:
(1) To review and make recommendations on graduate academic program initiatives including new programs, changes to existing programs that cross academic units (College/Schools/Institutes), and degree requirements;
(2) To serve as a forum for discussing the development, coordination, integration and improvement of graduate education;
(3) To review and advise on graduate matters that affect more than one school or independent program, or otherwise cross the confines of a single school or program;
(4) To formulate long-range academic plans for graduate education.
Any recommendations deliberated and voted upon by the GSCB shall be forwarded to the Provost. These administrators, in turn, shall forward any matters affecting policy, as appropriate, to the University Senate (See Chart of Approvals.)
B. Membership
1) Dean, The Graduate School (Chair)
2) Dean, Quinlan School of Business
3) Dean, School of Communication
4) Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
5) Dean, School of Education
6) Dean, School of Environmental Sustainability
7) Dean, Institute of Pastoral Studies
8) Dean, Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health
9) Dean, School of Law
10) Dean, Stritch School of Medicine
11) Dean, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
12) Dean, School of Social Work
13) Dean, University Libraries
14) Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Planning
15) Associate Provost, Global and Community Engagement
16) Vice Provost, Assessment, Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance
17) University Registrar
18) Director, Graduate and Professional Enrollment
19) Faculty Representative – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (appointed by Provost)*
20) Faculty Representative – Social Science (appointed by Provost)*
21) Faculty Representative – Humanities (appointed by Provost)*
22) Faculty Representative – Professional Schools (appointed by Provost)*
23) Graduate Student (selected by Graduate Student Advisory Council)**
*Faculty members will serve for 2-year terms
**Student members will serve 1-year terms
C. Chair
The Chair of the Graduate Studies Coordinating Board will be the Dean of the Graduate School. The Chair may designate an Acting Chair from the GSCB members for any meeting.
D. Meetings
The GSCB shall meet regularly, but at least three times each semester. Minutes shall be recorded and posted. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum for purposes of transacting any business. A simple majority vote will control the disposition of all votes.
Approved: August 20, 2020 (revised 11/7/2013; 8/1/2012; 10/22/2012; 11/7/2013; 2/1/2017; 5/30/2017; 10/7/2018; 9/20/2019; 3/3/2022; 7/01/2024)
Charge and Membership
The Graduate Studies Coordinating Board (GSCB) is established as oversight board to coordinate, review, and provide recommendations on graduate studies and program issues across the schools that provide graduate education at Loyola University Chicago.
A. Purpose:
(1) To review and make recommendations on graduate academic program initiatives including new programs, changes to existing programs that cross academic units (College/Schools/Institutes), and degree requirements;
(2) To serve as a forum for discussing the development, coordination, integration and improvement of graduate education;
(3) To review and advise on graduate matters that affect more than one school or independent program, or otherwise cross the confines of a single school or program;
(4) To formulate long-range academic plans for graduate education.
Any recommendations deliberated and voted upon by the GSCB shall be forwarded to the Provost. These administrators, in turn, shall forward any matters affecting policy, as appropriate, to the University Senate (See Chart of Approvals.)
B. Membership
1) Dean, The Graduate School (Chair)
2) Dean, Quinlan School of Business
3) Dean, School of Communication
4) Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
5) Dean, School of Education
6) Dean, School of Environmental Sustainability
7) Dean, Institute of Pastoral Studies
8) Dean, Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health
9) Dean, School of Law
10) Dean, Stritch School of Medicine
11) Dean, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
12) Dean, School of Social Work
13) Dean, University Libraries
14) Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Planning
15) Associate Provost, Global and Community Engagement
16) Vice Provost, Assessment, Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance
17) University Registrar
18) Director, Graduate and Professional Enrollment
19) Faculty Representative – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (appointed by Provost)*
20) Faculty Representative – Social Science (appointed by Provost)*
21) Faculty Representative – Humanities (appointed by Provost)*
22) Faculty Representative – Professional Schools (appointed by Provost)*
23) Graduate Student (selected by Graduate Student Advisory Council)**
*Faculty members will serve for 2-year terms
**Student members will serve 1-year terms
C. Chair
The Chair of the Graduate Studies Coordinating Board will be the Dean of the Graduate School. The Chair may designate an Acting Chair from the GSCB members for any meeting.
D. Meetings
The GSCB shall meet regularly, but at least three times each semester. Minutes shall be recorded and posted. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum for purposes of transacting any business. A simple majority vote will control the disposition of all votes.
Approved: August 20, 2020 (revised 11/7/2013; 8/1/2012; 10/22/2012; 11/7/2013; 2/1/2017; 5/30/2017; 10/7/2018; 9/20/2019; 3/3/2022; 7/01/2024)