
SOC students capture “student Emmys”

Actor Xavier Lagunas appears in a scene from "Tattoo Avenue," a production by SOC students Paige Taylor and Goodspeed Ko, which was nominated for a Crystal Pillar Award.

The regional Crystal Pillar awards are presented by the Chicago/Midwest chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Entries from universities within the Chicago/Midwest region were judged by TV professionals this summer. 

SOC students Yucheng Jiang, Emma Socey, Julie Young, Qin Lu, Paige Taylor, Goodspeed Ko and Luis Mejia Ahrens were nominated in four different categories. Students produced the work under the guidance of Professors John Goheen, Richelle Rogers and Sarah Dallof.

The three winning SOC student entries were:

Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs

A Hundred Square Feet: Yucheng Jiang, producer/photographer. (Professors John Goheen, Richelle Rogers)

Public Service (PSAs)/Commercial

Go Vote: Yucheng Jiang and Qin Lu, producers. (Professor John Goheen)

College Student Production – Talent

Luis Mejia Ahrens (Instructor Sarah Dallof)