
The Phoenix Awarded Honors at ICPA Convention

The staff of the Phoenix at the Illinois College Press Association 30th Annual Convention.

March 1, 2013

Story Courtesy of The Loyola Phoenix
After an award-winning weekend at the 30th annual Illinois College Press Association convention, The Phoenix took home 16 awards on Feb. 23 in downtown Chicago. The staff took third place in the general excellence category, which ranks non-daily newspapers with a student body over 4,000.

The Phoenix took home five awards in the open division, which compares all schools regardless of student body size or frequency of publication, from more than 30 schools across the state of Illinois for their work during 2012.

The Phoenix staff took home second place for best news website.

Discourse Editor Timmy Rose and former Discourse Editor Will Livesley-O’Neill took home honorable mention and second place, respectively, for best opinion pages.

Best critical review went to Managing Editor Hannah Helbert.

Former Managing Editor Sallyann Price took home third place for best classified section.

The Phoenix took home nine awards in addition to general excellence in the non-daily 4,000 plus category, which evaluated newspapers published less frequently than daily with a student body greater than 4,000.

Emily Study, co-news editor, took home first place for front page layout.

In the non-sports column category, former Editor-in-Chief Nathan Lurz earned second place.

Price earned an additional award, taking home second place for the editorial category.

Former Sports Editor Brendan Bond took home three awards, winning second, third and second place in sports feature story, sports column and sports game story, respectively.

In the feature story category, Reporter Liz Greiwe was awarded second place.

Former Diversions Editor and former Sports Editor Kyle Nowaczyk took home top honors for sports news story.

Third place in sports photo went to Dan Rogers.

In the additional Shoot Chicago photography competition, Helbert earned an honorable mention.