Loyola University Chicago

Department of Biology

Kristin de Nesnera

Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Santa Cruz, 2016
B.S. Biology, The College of William and Mary, 2008
Phone: 773.508.3207
E-mail: kdenesnera@luc.edu  

I am a biologist with broad training in both ecology and biology education. I began my career conducting field research to inform restoration practices along the coast of California as a Ph.D. student at the University of California Santa Cruz. Eventually, my scientific curiosity led me away from marine environments to the biology classroom. I was fascinated by how people learn biology, what makes certain concepts so difficult to learn, and how we can teach biology in a more effective and inclusive way. Following these interests, I completed my postdoctoral training in the Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory (SEPAL) at San Francisco State University (SFSU).

My current interests include science literacy, equity and inclusion in STEM education, and developing a learner-centered, evidence-based biology curriculum. I love teaching courses in introductory biology, ecology, conservation biology, and science education and engaging students in ways that make biology accessible and enjoyable. I enjoy collaborating with faculty to develop curriculum and assessments to meet the needs of an ever-changing higher education landscape. In my non-work time, I enjoy running, eating pizza, and spending time outdoors with my energetic, nature-loving four-year-old.